SBGK wrote: 
> It requires about 6 file changes and maybe a bit of experimentation and
> depends on peoples setup, if people got into trouble with them then
> there would be a lot of negative comments if they were publicly
> available. With people having to contact me first then there is a self
> selection element that means they are interested in improving the sound
> and are also confifent in making the changes.... 

Nothing quite like limiting trials to a self-selected group predisposed
to favor the results. Very efficient!

And, the feedback snippets quoted in your message (but not repeated
above) are great examples of the classic audiophile style of hypebolic
writing. But, it helps remind me that, as a human, I am far and away the
biggest variable in my system. I can experience similar changes in sound
quality just by getting up from my seat, walking around to do a few
things around the house or eating a meal, and them coming back to start
listening again. 

One gets all the benefit of dramatic changes with none of the hassle!


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