ralphpnj wrote: 
> Not to quibble when you're bashing "audiophile 'golden ears'" but isn't
> the jitter in the above graph still well below the audible range? Which
> kind of means that jitter is really only a selective bogeyman brought
> out or ignored depending on what piece of gear is being sold. Oops did I
> just write "sold"? Must have a Freudian slip since I meant "reviewed".
> So when pushing over priced USB cables jitter becomes this big scary
> monster and when pedaling badly designed audiophile DACs jitter becomes
> a cute little harmless kitten. Now hold on because you know it's
> coming.....THAT'S WHY I CALL THEM CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can apply that reasoning to any other technical factor that can be
gauged in hifi equipment , that's how they roll :)
And sometimes it is well audible levels of something .

But this is best case , sometimes they invent their own bogeyman and
coincidentally provides a solution . Like for example Lavardin they made
up thier own kind of distortion "memory distortion " that of course can
not be measured ! But effectively be thwarted with thier mediocre
overpriced kit , how do they know that it works ? Such logical problems
do not trouble audiophiles then just know stuff ?

It is the last straw to use the cop out " but it would be different with
real music " when it is in fact an extremely good correlation between
equipment that measure good and transparency to a human listener .

Hearing differences between digital spdiff cables could have been
remotely plausible under some conditions with equipments from the late
80's and early 90's but ( or maybe the horrible DAC archimagi measured
rigth now ) nowadays if one examined such claims a much more plausible
explanation for the difference would always emerge , if there is a
sigthed uncontrolled test placebo/bias is the most likely explanation
and would be considered the result until something else can be proved.

There is a famous test on the Internet when someone makes a piont by
using a straightened out metal coat hanger as spdiff cable.

That said ofcourse you should use good digital cables , but they can be
had for pocket change at  bluejean cable for example , there are suspect
ability for disturbances and noise etc to combat , I've had equipment
that clicked and popped when I turned on the the ligth depending on the
digital cable .

But it think it has an historical explaination the "spec wars" in the
70's where everyone strived for some nice number that looked good in an
add but ignored much else ( like other measurable things ) .

There is a whole zoo of mini myths regarding circuit designs you should
not use such ans such feedback scheme etc

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