ralphpnj wrote: 
> Not to quibble when you're bashing "audiophile 'golden ears'" but isn't
> the jitter in the above graph still well below the audible range? Which
> kind of means that jitter is really only a selective bogeyman brought
> out or ignored depending on what piece of gear is being sold. Oops did I
> just write "sold"? Must have a Freudian slip since I meant "reviewed".
> So when pushing over priced USB cables jitter becomes this big scary
> monster and when pedaling badly designed audiophile DACs jitter becomes
> a cute little harmless kitten. Now hold on because you know it's
> coming.....THAT'S WHY I CALL THEM CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ralph, I think you agree you have to pay a bit more to get some quality
equipment and sound. So how is this equipment different from the
'consumer' range ? There is some engineering differences, right ? What
are they ? Does a Behringer sound as good as a Lavry DAC ?  Is it power
supply, is it the output stage, is it DAC chip, is it the jitter
reducing receiver before the DAC chip ?
I think audio quality is not a open-shut case. It is a complex system of
various engineering approaches to achieving high-fidelity (meaning loyal
to the original) sound. Lower priced equipment make
'approximations'..higher priced equipment take it to the theorertical
limits. Probably, these high-end companies take the circuit design to
the limits even though after some point the audible benefits are beyond
human perception. But this 'perception' thing is relative, what is not
good to you, maybe is good enough for some. What is good to you maybe is
not good enough for others. You can always say it is the placebo effect,
snobbishness etc. We cannot make DBT a law .. so the unscrupulous of the
engineers survive on the fringes of 'over-speced' equipment or as Mynb
says, even on 'invented' specs of their own.

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