Archimago wrote: 
> Thanks! Very nice...  Looks like I should see an improvement switching
> over from TosLink --> AES/EBU for the digital loop!
> That's a huge variability in the TosLink cables - wow! Was this related
> to length? Brand name cables?
> Do you mind if I add your data to my blog page?
Absolutely, feel free to post the data on your blog.
I don't have identical cables in different lengths. I didn't see direct
correlation in jitter readings between short and long toslink cables of
different brands. Today I broght a couple of optical cables from home,
one was 10ft monster ps3 optical (I think it was distributed with
component cables for ps3) and the other one was 6ft or 2m long glass
toslink I bought on ebay. I used loop on Ap to look at the jitter
When I measured jitter with transporter using different toslink cables I
got results as high as 5.3ns. I looked at the cable and it was damaged
on one side (portion of metal ring surrounding the fiber came off) and
loose (plastic plug that is keyed weared out). I had the identical
undamaged cable so the results were better. I would recommend not to use
toslink cables that don't hold their position in jack. There is
significant difference in jitter readings when light is not focused on
the sense element. I've tried pulling the cable out of the jack and PLL
will still able to maintain the lock but jitter readings were >70ns.
One optical cable that I've tested didn't have typical plug, instead it
was round. It didn't stand out in any way in terms of jitter
measurements, but that is the first time I saw toslink with such a plug.
I am sure it doesn't comply with toslink plug standard.

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