SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Here is my take on this - if we consider ourselves as part of the
> scientific/objective community - a) If we are 100% sure that power
> cables, interconnects, speaker cables and usb cables etc do not make a
> difference and that audiophiles are deluding themselves. We just have to
> state that and ignore them all. b) If at all we are not 100% sure - we
> can investigate ourselves, specify the situations where they do make a
> difference, either system or quantitative level. We can also come up
> with a metric with gives an idea of the sound quality or a particular
> attribute of that sound quality. When there are no established
> scientific metrics that correlate with sound quality, quackery thrives.

Archimago has done a lot of this quite nicely (option b).  So have
others (plenty of threads at that discuss, provide
references to technical peer-reviewed papers, etc.).   None of this
makes a bit of difference to the audiophools who refuse to believe. 
They instead try to come up with twisted arguments as to why
double-blind tests are not valid when it comes to audio or simply
declare that one's system is not revealing enough to hear the
(unmeasurable) benefits from better USB cables or the jitter reduction,

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