One of the problems with audio is that one cannot simultaneously listen
to two versions of the same music played on a system or two different
pieces of equipment playing the same music at the same time. Most of us
lack the background in electronics in order to understand and evaluate
electronic equipment specifications and measurements. Many of us also
don't take the time to educate ourselves about these issues. Many are
content to parrot the audio media and “widely-held” audio beliefs such
as cable break-in, different lossless codecs sound different and other
similar things. However, all music lovers have the ability to provide an
opinion about what they are hearing, whether that opinion is based upon
knowledge or electrical theory or not. In most audio forums all opinions
are equal simply because everyone believes they are “capable” and
“qualified” to expound on the subject based on their personal opinion
with their own ears. No particular knowledge or understanding of
electronics is needed; just the ability to listen to the material and
then give an opinion; the same as many of the “expert audio reviewers”.
Most of these opinions are then couched in the terms and vocabulary of
the audio writers which impresses readers and makes it sound as if the
person providing the opinion is qualified and knowledgeable about the
subject matter. 

Purely subjective opinions with no basis other than the assertion “I
hear a difference” and using particular phrases and the audio writer
vocabulary to articulate the difference is not sufficient to prove
anything in science or in any of the professions, but somehow it is
acceptable (and perhaps revered e.g. "Golden Ears") in audio circles.
Thus everyone is an expert, no matter their background, education level
or understanding of the subject matter. With so many experts it's no
wonder there are so many audio forums and opinions...and misconceptions
I might add.

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