ralphpnj wrote: 
> I was joking you know. Anyway don't sweat it since most of the
> discussions around here don't get all that technical. I am also not an
> expert but I can and do understand basic science and when people claim
> something scientifically impossible I should not have to present an
> advanced degree in order to question their assertion. The burden of
> proof falls in their lap, not mine. Luckily many of my fellow members on
> this forum feel the same.

Like you I am no expert but do understand basic science and have some
ability to detect BS. :) For some reason audio, as opposed to most other
similar things, remains firmly "grounded" in subjectivity even when the
subjective opinions are obviously without any scientific basis. I got a
kick out of Archimago's comment on his blog "...feel free to drop me a
note -if there's good data or controlled tests- to suggest USB cables
make a significant difference contrary to these findings." Apparently he
is unwilling to consider that the majority of audiophiles can hear a
difference between the cables.

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