Thanks Archimago for a very interesting read.

For me the big take away is that the playback of digital audio has now
reached a point where even relatively inexpensive hardware is capable of
doing a very good job. And this begs the question of what audible
improvement does one get when using a mega-buck audiophile DAC versus a
low cost (a few hundred dollars) run of the mill DAC. Basically I think
the whole audiophile DAC arena is shaping up to become similar to the
audiophile amplifier versus mass market amplifier in that the audible
differences have become almost irrelevant and are the subject of purely
subjective speculations. In other words, the "all solid state amps sound
the same" argument.

One can sense that this state of affairs has the high end audio press in
a bit of tissy whenever one encounters a review of a low priced (in high
end audio terms) DAC. For the most part these DACs perform exceptionally
well and the reviewers are often left having to split hairs when
comparing the performance of the latest "giant killer" with that some
mega-buck "reference standard" DAC. The high end audio industry would be
better served by just accepting that digital side of digital audio can
be handled quite well with modestly priced equipment and focus their
attention on the analog side of digital audio, the area where some of
the high end beliefs still have some truth to them.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: SBS on dedicated windows 7 computer w/2 Drobos
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