Mnyb: Indeed the iPhone 4 is "like tar" compared to the iPhone 6 with
even simple web browsing!

I wonder if there's a conspiracy :confused: to slow down the old phones
so everyone upgrades! I certainly don't recall web browsing being so
slow with my wife's old iPhone until the past year... I wondered if
downgrading iOS to a lower version would help.


Now as for audio. Indeed, I believe we have reached a point where
inexpensive components is certainly plenty good for a walking-around
mobile device. Here in October 2014 there's no way to avoid talking
about the Pono scheduled to be trickling out soon when mentioning
portable devices. I'd be very curious how the Pono performs objectively
with all the hype surrounding it for the hardware "Toblerone".
Young/Ayre has claimed that the bulky shape was needed for sonic quality
with larger components inside...

I see the Pono store is supposed to be updated today so it'll be
interesting also to see what it has on offer. Already with the
announcement of the software releases that will go with the signatured
players, it looks like there's disappointment on that front with a
number of predictable 16/44 bundled albums. (So far nothing tells me
there's anything special here other than yet another store selling stuff
we can already find on HDTracks, etc.)

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