Archimago wrote: 
> Not clear about the diagram myself.
> However, these days all my XLR gear including ASUS DAC, E-MU DAC are pin
> 2 "hot". Other than pre-1990 gear, I believe the vast majority of gear
> is like this and adjustable devices like my TEAC UD-501 DAC also
> defaults to pin 2 +.
> My Transporter sounds great through the XLR pin 2 "hot" balanced system
> with pre-amp and monoblocks.

thanks- the amp's manual (Luxman L-550) suggests pin 2  "hot" is
US-centric, and the rest of the world does pin 3 hot.  so, the latter is
the default setting.  after a fair amount of switching back and forth,
the overall tonal balance is better on the "reverse" (pin 2 hot)
setting.  but bass is a bit overwhelming right now, so i may need to
re-position my speakers.

4 TB Drobo-->FW 800-->mac mini-->Ethernet
Transporter--> Wireworld Eclipse 6 coax-->Meridian G61
G61--> Nordost Red Dawn-->Primare 30.3
Primare-->Ocos--Vienna Acoustics Beethoven/Maestro
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