jkeny wrote: 
> As I said I already corrected both you & Arny, a number of times, 'here'
> (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?103684-uptone-audio-regen&p=819127&viewfull=1#post819127)
> & 'here'
> (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?103684-uptone-audio-regen&p=819129&viewfull=1#post819129)
> "Similarly, Archimago might care to answer why he wants to borrow a
> Regen, to measure it's reduction of the 8KHz spike when this is not the
> target of the device?
> A typical red-herring measurement, as per usual."
> I would like to see the context of that - he's not talking about the
> Regen - here's what he plainly says about the Regen which I already
> quoted to you/Arny in the links I gave above "-"This packet noise
> consists of two parts: noise from the USB protocol engine and from the
> USB PHY. The protocol engine noise does not depend on the input signal
> quality, just the data, so its impact is always going to be the same no
> matter what is done with the input. -*The PHY is the part that actually
> connects to the electrical signals on the bus, ITS contribution to
> packet noise IS dependent on the quality of the input signal.
> _This_is_the_part_the_REGEN_targets.\"_* 
> So you are going to persist in focussing on the 8KHz packet noise &
> measuring for this - a noise which isn't being attenuated by the Regen,
> simply because you don't understand what the Regen is purported to
> address? Surely measurements are meant to uncover the efficacy of a
> device in it's purported operation? If you can't think of a way to do
> this measurement, that is no reason to do some other irrelevant
> measurement & pretend that it measures the efficacy of the device.

OK. Suppose we take 'Swenson's comments here at face value'
1. There is an 8kHz burst due to packet noise.

2. This is "strong" and in the audio band.

3. This noise goes everwhere! "This noise can cause jitter in clock
oscillators, reclocking flops, and DAC chips. It can also go directly
into noise on the output of DAC chips". "well what about the DACs that
have full isolation between the USB system and reclocking on the DAC
side? Unfortunately this noise likes to make it through even this."

4. He distinguishes between "protocol engine" and "PHY" noise with the
PHY component causing the bus connection noise: "The protocol engine
noise does not depend on the input signal quality, just the data, so its
impact is always going to be the same no matter what is done with the
input. The PHY is the part that actually connects to the electrical
signals on the bus, ITS contribution to packet noise IS dependent on the
quality of the input signal. This is the part the REGEN targets."

5. Signal Integrity is what worsens the PHY noise: "When the SI is very
good, the PHY can turn off the pre-processing steps and easily determine
the bits. As the SI degrades the PHY turns on different parts of the
pre-processing as needed. Each of these steps takes a fair amount of
power to operate, thus creating noise on the power and ground planes.
The more processing the PHY needs to use to determine the bits, the more
noise is generated. Thus part of the packet noise is directly related to
the signal integrity of the incoming signal. The higher the SI, the
lower the noise."

6. -He then makes some kind of strange logical shift:- "It is very
important here to realize this is noise that is GENERATED inside the DAC
by its own operation, it is NOT noise on the USB bus that is somehow
getting into the DAC as is commonly thought."
HUH? But you just said this noise goes everywhere?! Even making it
across DACs with isolation. (Point 3 above.) And didn't you say there's
a bus connection, so isn't the nasty noise created by the noisy USB PHY
in the computer side what you're really worried about rather than
presumably better components in the DAC?

7. So how can you make an argument that it's the portion just inside the
DAC that's at issue? "The result is that the PHY in the DAC doesn't have
to use any of its pre-processing arsenal so the packet noise is as low
as it is going to get. Note: it does not get rid of the packet noise
altogether, it is just as low as it can be."

8. Finally, to put the Regen between the computer PHY and the DAC PHY is
useful in what way if the Regen itself adds a bit of noise: "The hub
chip inside the REGEN has its own PHYs, which themselves generate packet
noise on ITS power and ground planes. I have worked hard to minimize
this noise, but it is still there. The result is that the REGEN itself
is also sensitive to the SI of the signal fed to it, which is why USB
cables on its input still make a difference."

Here's the problem with Swenson... He's never really clear. Just
hand-waving and innuendos as suggested by Arny. The only thing we're
clear about is that there is this packet-noise and a substantial portion
of it is 8kHz, and potentially audible as I measured. This noise goes
all over the place as he says but then reduces the Regen to its ability
to -maybe -reduce the noise portion generated by the DAC's internal PHY
if we even assume he's correct that the Regen actually improves "Signal
Integrity" and this actually does much to the PHY noise in the DAC

How do we know he's right? Again, this is noise, where are the
measurements before and after adding the Regen to the USB chain? Like I
said, without this demonstration, this is all hypothetical and I am
concerned about that Point 6 which suddenly seems to just claim that the
DAC PHY noise is somehow the problem (ignoring that the computer makes
noise and even the Regen adds to it). Heck, how do we even know that the
noise isn't made worse with the Regen in place since it uses a "a common
USB hub chip".

So, jkeny, please tell us plainly and help me "understand what the Regen
is purported to address".

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