jkeny wrote: 
> Oh, I do have a better idea of what's involved than you appear to have.
> So, go on & suggest a way you would measure this!
> Firstly, it's not "packet noise" - it's noise due to SI issues - still
> don't understand, eh?

Please, elucidate.

jkeny wrote: 
> If you knew anything about valid measurements you would know that they
> are informed by the theory of operation of the device being measured -
> they aren't just general purpose measurements. Look at the J-test - why
> do you think this was designed in the way it is?
> ...

Please. Enlighten us with the J-Test insight.

jkeny wrote: 
> Well expecting someone who doesn't know the theory of operation of the
> device to be able to measure such a device is asking a bit much, I know
> but, at least you could recognise your limitations & stop banging on
> about 8KHz noise.

Other than pointing fingers and claiming others have flawed insight,
logic and methods, would you care so much as to elaborate on your
understanding with some -substance-?

If not, like I said, there is no reason to debate. Thank you.

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