SBGK wrote: 
> some misguided people have been duped into using the squeezebox as a
> front end to multi thousand $ systems because they've been told bits are
> bits and abx is 
> incapable of discerning a difference and Archimago says they all
> sound/measure the same. 
> So these people have pretensions of being an audiophile and think they
> are getting it from a $300 device.
> It's also fun just to see how stuck in the mud you guys are as the rest
> of the digital audio world moves forward and makes discoveries/find
> solutions. 
> The objectivists' response to the regen is just bizarre.

Hmmmm.... Hold your horses there buddy in terms of bringing up the Regen
-yet again- and your presumptions about the "objectivist response".

1. Given unclear rationale for the need of this Regen device, scepticism
is warranted. The manufacturer provides no evidence of efficacy (we can
wait for jkeny's claim that UpTone is working on this). The theory
behind its operation appears unlikely to affect audio output. Therefore,
plenty to be suspicious about - as much as suspicion around the need for
$1000+ ethernet cables.

2. I have proposed a way to test objectively and subjectively with
sighted and unsighted subjects who are "more subjectivist" than myself
in the other thread regarding this Regen device. I'm waiting for jkeny
to see if he can arrange this device to send to me for evaluation. He
knows my address. I believe I've been open-minded in this response than
subjectivists who "just believe" with no evidence of questioning their
own perceptual ability.

Please then, I/we have asked you time and again to explain why you
believe in what you believe. Whether small buffers are better, or why OS
makes a difference. -You have not once discussed your method of
discerning differences- or how you reach the level of certainty in these
effects you openly speak of and criticize others for not having "faith"

Do you reach these conclusions with sighted listening? Do you do blinded
listening? What experiments have you done? Do you measure these changes
- if so please show us your results.

Do not blame others of closed-mindedness until you speak of your methods
in ascertaining truth; because obviously your results are -very
different- from mine. I have laid my case on the blog and anyone is free
to verify or disprove. Feel free to refute with evidence and I will
happily listen. Finger pointing and insinuations I'm afraid has little
chance of convincing anyone, especially around here.

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