doctor_big wrote: 
> Anyway, a simple way to contrast the relative values is to nip over to
> Audiogon and check how much a 10-year-old top-of-the-line AVR sells for,
> versus a 10-year-old tube amp.  
> Old AVRs are essentially worthless. They depreciate like computers. 
> Makes sense, really - who wants an AVR that only switches S-video
> signals?  On the other hand, a Dynaco Stereo 70 is worth more now than
> it was when new (not adjusted for inflation, of course).
> In 1993 or so, I bought a used Sonic Frontiers SFS-40 amp for (IIRC)
> $1000.  Long out of production, they still sell for that now.

This is why some people hide from me.  Their analyses and claims are
highly flawed and by not reading my posts they can perpetuate the lie in
their minds that their thoughts are correct or even relevant.

Comparing 10 year old AVRs and 10 year old tubed amps is illogical and
that is obvious to most reasonable people. They aren't comparable in any
reasonable way, except that they both amplify sound (the tubed amp only
does this if it receives continual maintenance because it is always in
the process of wearing out critical components).

One strike for rationality is admitting that a Stereo 70 is as valuable
as it was when it was new only if inflation is ignored. What kind of an
error is this. I owned a ST70 in 1966 and as an assembled amplifier it
was worth about $150.   A table of the CPI is found here:

The current CPI is 239, and the CPI in 1966 was about 32.  The $150 that
the Dyna 70 cost me in 1966 is worth $1120 today. OTOH, a ST70 in good
operable condition would cost me now about half that or a little more.
It is a horrible financial investment.  So, there is the first error -
an intentional error - ignoring the great effect of inflation.

However, the market for Dyna 70s is miniscule because almost nobody
wants them. Besides their horrendous true cost,  they are unreliable and
don't work with modern audio systems unless you add more ultra expensive

They are collectors items.  Comparing collectors items to current
production equipment is totally unreasonable. 

In my mind, only a person who insults and dismisses his reader's
intelligence would try to sucker them into believing the above
rediculous comparison.

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