d6jg wrote: 
> Budget is £350/$500 - I guess that's low end for most of you but ...,
> Ideally I want an S shaped tone arm with a removable headshell - I have
> half a dozen ADC head shells with cartridges that I like to swap
> around.
> I do not need USB etc. 
> I have scoured the hi fi forums and the likes of Project & Rega keep
> appearing but they have fixed arms. 
> Any recommendations here?

Curious what turntable were you using before to have gathered the shells
and cartridges???

I have absolutely no regrets with my used Technics SL-1200M3D (got for
about $350US last year locally):

I know many vinyl audiophiles poo-poo the whole direct drive thing but I
must say that 'it did pretty well with some needledrops'
I did compared to my friend's much more expensive Roksan setup + Whest
phono pre.

Speed stability just great despite >10 years old; this thing is a tank:

Here's the Roksan TMS's numbers:

The recently AnalogPlanet reviewed 'Onkyo CP-1050'
and 'Pioneer PL-30-K'
might be up your alley as well...

Good luck! Just make sure you have nice sounding cartridges :o.

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