Archimago wrote: 
> Curious what turntable were you using before to have gathered the shells
> and cartridges???
> I have absolutely no regrets with my used Technics SL-1200M3D (got for
> about $350US last year locally):
> I know many vinyl audiophiles poo-poo the whole direct drive thing but I
> must say that 'it did pretty well with some needledrop comparisons'
> (
> I did compared to my friend's much more expensive Roksan setup + Whest
> phono pre.
> Speed stability just great despite >10 years old; this thing is a tank:
> Here's the Roksan TMS's numbers:
> The recently AnalogPlanet reviewed 'Onkyo CP-1050'
> (
> and 'Pioneer PL-30-K'
> (
> might be up your alley as well...
> Good luck! Just make sure you have nice sounding cartridges :o.

I have seriously considered a second hand Technics SL 1210 and may end
up there.
To answer the headshell question. I have 2 decks - a Trio KD1033B circa
1975 which I love to bits but was broken for a while and so I bought a
Technics clone in the form of a Sherwood PM9800. 
The head shells contain - an Ortofon VMS20E (my favourite but I struggle
to get new styli), an Ortofon 2m Red, a Stanton 500E, an unknown
cartridge that came with the Sherwood and an empty headshell that I am
thinking of installing an AT95 into.
I have considered the Onkyo - it fits all requirements - but has mixed

*Vortexbox LMS 7.8 music on QNAP TS419p via NFS* -
*Living Room* - SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 connected Digitally - > Celestion
Ditton F20s - and connected Analogue for Zone 2 -> Sony TA FE 320 ->
Sennheiser RS 130
*Office* - SB3 -> Sony TA FE320 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - SB Touch -> Topping TP21 -> AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - Amazon Fire TV (SB Player) -> Topping TP20 ->
Wharfedale Modus Cubes
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