Archimago wrote: 
> Okay, maybe...
> Don't know the guy and have no reason to automatically think anyone's
> lying so will go with the "probably mistaken" option for now unless
> reasons show up otherwise.Oh, I see - John Westlake is a very well known 
> audio designer & E'ee

> Nope, I generally listen first then measure. For example, the recent
> Light Harmonic Geek Out V2 isn't much to look at but I did listen 1st
> and 'posted positive initial impressions'
> (
> then did the 'measurements'
> (
> which ended up indeed being excellent. I've tried for years to listen
> for difference between WAV vs. FLAC, silver vs. copper interconnects, or
> different SPDIF cables... Never noticed a difference and was overall
> "happy" with generic cables and bitperfect software. Admittedly I felt
> insecure and perhaps even envious about this since all these other
> audiophiles seem to be experiencing something I wasn't. I'm glad I'm
> feeling much more secure about the claims these days. The strange thing
> was I thought my hearing was better than many because I could hear
> anomalies and helped a few fix problems (like one of them was listening
> to his music all along using MP3 transcoding!). This is all before I
> started to measure anything.Right, so I'm even more quizzical why you have 
> never heard some audible
difference that you couldn't measure?
I had similar thoughts about USB cables - lots of people reporting
audible differences with different cables - the ones I tried, I couldn't
hear any diff (I didn't go to the really expensive ones) so I decided to
investigate further starting with a USB adapter i.e no cable & I could
hear a difference

> To the Regen, no, not yet. I will if/when a friend gets his. Like I
> said, I'm not too interested given the lack of rationale for this to
> make much if any difference... Been around too long since the days of
> trying to cryo cables and green pens for CDs to keep trying unlikely
> stuff based on pure testimony.Sure

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