jkeny wrote: 
> Oh, I see - John Westlake is a very well known audio designer & E'ee
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_A._Westlake

That's nice. -But he hasn't explained how something can make an audible
difference but not show up on the analogue outputs of a DAC...-

> Right, so I'm even more quizzical why you have never heard some audible
> difference that you couldn't measure?
> I had similar thoughts about USB cables - lots of people reporting
> audible differences with different cables - the ones I tried, I couldn't
> hear any diff (I didn't go to the really expensive ones) so I decided to
> investigate further starting with a USB adapter i.e no cable & I could
> hear a difference

Okay, so we both have reservations about audibility of USB cables.
That's cool.

I have been listening to and measured many DACs with many computers and
associated USB ports/adaptors. Even tried 'USB-ethernet extender'
for a year and the 'Corning USB3 optical extender'
for the last 6 months or so... Other than reducing the 8kHz PHY noise
interfering with my analogue pass-through in my pre-amp which I could
demonstrate was suppressed with the Corning, the DAC outputs have been
audibly and measurably fine.

Curious, could you tell me which adapter you thought was very poor? And
how much difference you figure the adapter makes in the final output
from the same DAC (presumably a modern asynchronous USB device with
known low jitter)? Suppose Westlake never explains why he thinks the
difference is not measurable in the analogue domain, do you agree with
this statement and how do you reconcile that with your own experience of
what you hear?

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