ralphpnj wrote: 
> ...handles my rather large music library. Basically what really
> intrigues my about Roon is the rich and robust metadata along with, as
> you so nicely put it, the leveraging of that metadata enhance one's
> listening experience, an area where Muso, though pretty good, still
> falls well short.What do you term "rather large"?  I'm running 22.6k albums/ 
> 334k tracks
located on an Arch Linux based i3.  Roon's running on win server 2012 R2
on an old Asus P5E64 WS Pro board (iX38 Intel ICH9R chipset) with 8GB
DDR3-1333, Core 2 Quad Processor Q6600 and it's very responsive. 
Searches are a lot quicker than via iPeng and faster than LMS.  I used
to keep LMS' database on a ramdisk and performance was great.

I don't think there's anything out there that delivers as rich and
immersive an experience iro leveraging metadata to enhance your
listening experience.  As a simple example LMS is great at surfacing
links between artists and tracks if you've captured that data.  With
Roon you don't have to have captured that data... more often than not
Roon knows who's appeared on a track so you end up finding instances
where a favourite artist has appeared elsewhere in your library that you
had no idea of.

A pet hate I have iro LMS and all the wifi apps is that when you browse
an artist you're presented with a long mixed bag laundry list of
everything they've appeared in that's surfaced by your tags - their
albums, appearances, compilations, bootlegs all mixed together in one
glorious mess...good luck finding an album you're after if you have a
lot of compilations.  Roon sorts that lot and presents them on the same
screen differentiating between main albums, singles and EPs, appearances
on other artist's albums and then compilations.  I gave up asking for
this in LMS.

It also lists Similar To, Followed by, Influenced by and Associated with
that appears in your library (which can incorporate Tidal albums

There's work to do on Classical music and metadata editing/
customization within Roon's database and it's underway...I've no doubt
the end result will be fantastic...the Roon team are music lovers and
they get it.

SqueezeWand | 'Vivere DAC MKI'
(http://vivereaudio.com/post/2013/08/16/DAC-I-is-Born!.aspx) | 'ATC

*'Linux finally gets a great audio tagger'
'puddletag' (http://puddletag.sourceforge.net/)* - now packaged in most
Linux distributions.
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