Have to concur with Audiomuze and Audiotic... bought the Roon lifetime
and love it, both for what it is today, and what it is rapidly evolving
into.   The fact that I can use Roon with my multiple Squeezeboxes is
pretty amazing and was enough for me to jump on the Roon bandwagon back
in December.

The Roon rich metadata coupled with an extremely well-designed UI
changes how I listen to music and makes it far more about the music and
artists, and far less about the software and technology.  And it has
great integration with Tidal if you use that.

But, there are things Roon cannot yet do that are important to note:

-- it cannot (yet) stream radio
-- there is no phone app and their iPad app will not work on older iPads
(which, of course, is what I have :-(
-- using Roon with Squeezebox playback cannot be synced with Roon
playback to other non-SB devices

I've also used Muso and was quite intrigued by it's approach to music
organization.   I think it is an excellent front-end to LMS and far
closer to what Roon does than any other music-player I've seen.  It is
quite elegant in the way it relies solely on music tags and files in the
music folders.   But, that is on Windows and isn't available on other
OSes or on phones or tablets (well, I suppose it would work on a Windows
tablet).  So, at best, Muso is just another tool in an arsenal of tools
(LMS, iPeng, Moose, etc...) that make using LMS better.

Mike (1 SB3, 1 Duet, 1 Boom, 2 Touch, 1 Radio & heavy use of iPeng on
various iThings)
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