drmatt wrote: 
> I think just flipping back through this thread is proof enough, let
> alone searching the rest of the internet.

What this thread shows is a lot of accurate relevant comments, and some
comments that are just paraphrases of common audiophile myths.

I know from decades of experience that those who need audiophile myths
to be comfortable are very dependent on these myths for reinforcement of
their emotions and atypical behaviors, and typically respond to
corrections of them with denial.

> What are you even doing here anyway?

Discussing technical topics in audio, particularly as they relate to
digital audio hardware.

> Why do you even care what people on the squeezebox forum think?

Many of the people on this forum feel about audiophile myths just like I
do, and we share information. 

The Squeezebox is an effective, pragmatic piece of audio gear if a bit
legacy, and therefore runs afoul of any number of audiophile myths.

> Seems like a bit of a comedown to me given your view of your reputation.

I have a reputation? ;-)

Do you think that my reputation should make me disinterested in what
well-informed audiophiles believe?

arnyk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64365
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=105717

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