cliveb wrote: 
> The power companies are obliged by the government to support the scheme,
> and the money it costs them is obtained by a "renewables surcharge" on
> the power bills. So in effect, people without solar panel systems are
> subsidising those who have them. It's another disgraceful example of
> taking from the poor and giving to the rich, all driven by a daft EU
> regulation.

"in effect" is one way of looking at it, but let's face it all
governments have to offer incentives to people to risk their own cash to
buy new tech that pushes society as a whole forward. In truth the
microgeneration this represents will likely be what saves taxpayers
billions in power station builds down the road, so though "in effect"
you are right, the truth is that ALL infrastructure is supported by the
taxpayer at the end of the day.

And given that most solar PV installs don't pay back inside 15-20 years
now the person who buys PV will have to have a good chunk of their own
cash invested for a long time before it pays them anything in return.

It's never as simple as it looks..

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