toby10 wrote: 
> I'm curious if your solar install is active or passive?  I assume it is
> the simpler system of just generating power to be sold/added on the grid
> (that was my proposed system)?  Or are you actually using your own
> generated power yourself (which usually involves batteries and a lot
> more complicated system) where you are augmenting your grid needs with
> your own generated power?
I do use some of the power that is generated, but it does not involve
any storage. My system has an inverter to convert the DC to mains AC. If
I happen to be using electricity while it's generated, the solar panels
provide it. Power is only bought from the grid to top up any extra the
house needs over what the panels are generating. If the panels generate
any excess, it is exported back to the grid.

The power company pays a very generous amount for what the panels
generate, regardless of whether I use it or it's exported to the grid.
It also pays a nominal amount for any that is exported, and since I
don't have an export meter, it is assumed that 50% of generation is

All domestic solar panel systems installed under the "feed in tariff"
scheme in the UK work like this (although some installations do have
export meters). The power companies are obliged by the government to
support the scheme, and the money it costs them is obtained by a
"renewables surcharge" on the power bills. So in effect, people without
solar panel systems are subsidising those who have them. It's another
disgraceful example of taking from the poor and giving to the rich, all
driven by a daft EU regulation. (Before anyone jumps to the conclusion
that I'm anti-EU: I'm not. Like most other people I know I'm very upset
about the result of the referendum).

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