toby10 wrote: 
> Manufacturing, production, storage, distribution, usage,
> transportation...  not one category is better than battery technology,
> and that aint sayin' much.  :)
> One quick example:  assuming you solved the first 5 (meaning those are
> at least carbon and cost neutral to gasoline and/or electric batteries)
> lets just look at the last one.
> Using the latest high capacity (high compression) hydrogen storage tank
> technology (extremely expensive tanker trucks) it would take 3 tanker
> trucks of hydrogen to deliver the same miles driven as a single tanker
> truck of gasoline. Or put another way, one tanker truck of gasoline can
> fill 900 gasoline cars (est) vs the same size hydrogen tanker truck can
> only fill 300 hydrogen cars (est), assuming both types of cars are
> driving the same miles.
So you're comparing hydrogen to gasoline. I hadn't realised the
goalposts had been moved.

OF COURSE gasoline is a far more convenient energy source than hydrogen.
But I thought we were looking for a practical renewable alternative.
I was simply comparing the feasibility of hydrogen v. pure electric.

If (and it's a big IF) we can solve the problem of renewable energy
production, then the costs of hydrogen production are not really the
issue, and we're left only with the practicalities of usage. But then
again, I suppose if we had effectively limitlless renewable energy, we
could use it to manufacture gasoline...

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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