cliveb wrote: 
> Apologies, I appear not to have made myself clear.
> I was talking about making sure you've plugged the cables into the
> digital input sockets on the back of the TP, and not inadvertantly
> plugged them into the digital output sockets. I know it sounds like a
> daft thing to suggest, but we can all have senior moments!

I've double checked all connections CD digital out to Transporter
digital in... every thing is clearly marked.  

I've got the cover off the Transporter and the ribbon connecting the
mother boar and input board between is completely inserted into the
sockets and looks to be solidly in place at both ends.  I even tugged on
the ribbon gently and it doesn't move at either end. 

I thought about unplugging and reseating the ribbon connections but I'm
hesitant to attempt unplugging the ribbon for fear of damaging it-- it
doesn't feel like it would come out easily.  And it isn't apparent to me
how it come outs-- that is; whether ribbon alone pulls out of the
plastic base or whether the base and ribbon pull out of the board
together as a unit. 

It looks like a solid connection to me... maybe I have a software


|Filename: Transporter Ribbon.jpg                                   |
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