Hi all.

Just to be clear, I'm not on here to argue with anyone.

I use my music system simply to listen to music: but I am consistently
hearing new detail in familiar recordings, which is in a real sense
quite sufficient for me.

It's simply that having an enquiring mind, I am curious why this is the
case. It may be an unexplained mystery of the universe, in which case
I'll let it go.

I was hoping that someone would be able to at least come up with a
plausible hypothesis for the phenomenon: I would be delighted to assist
in rigorously testing any decent suggestion.

I don't have golden ears or a closed mind. It is in fact equally
possible to attempt to refute a proposition by claiming an unimpeachable
knowledge of "science" as it is to say I can hear something you can't.

A rational approach lies between these positions, otherwise we cannot
have a genuine discussion. I was hoping to bring this thread back to an
interesting discourse after the earlier shenanigans...

Otherwise, I'll just enjoy the music!

Dave :)

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