Golden Earring wrote: 
> Hi Archimago!
> Thanks for the heads-up: I do my best to reduce the load on the world's
> landfill sites.  ;)
> I have had a rather good week. Firstly I got an e-mail out of the blue
> from the solicitors who dealt with my late mother's estate, which we
> were under the impression had finally been fully distributed about 8
> years ago in equal shares between myself & my 3 daughters, only 6 years
> after my mum's death in 2003 - he'd been contacted by an insurance
> company holding a 5-figure investment that had slipped through the net.
> And for good measure HMRC are so snowed under that they couldn't be
> bothered to reopen their file, so no tax! Then secondly, in pursuing a
> Pathos InPol-2 amp at a knockdown price (which I missed, but it was 2005
> vintage) I've made contact with a hi-fi dealer who is in the process of
> supplying a customer with the new Pathos InPol Heritage (-*very*- silly
> money new... ) when he can get one within the next few weeks - & this
> chap has an InPol-2 which is only 2 years old that he wants to P/X, so
> I've got first refusal on that one instead.
> When I walk down the street, I am now actively on the lookout for stuff
> to step in, lol...
> Dave :cool:

Wow Dave. Interesting description of the week there... Gotta be careful
about taxes :-). Don't talk about it cuz the forum has ears directly
linked to the HMRC.

Had a peek at that Pathos amp. Lovely looking! Hope you got a good

Remember everyone: less than 2 weeks before I shut down the survey.
Thanks again for all who have put in their results!

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