Archimago wrote: 
> Wow Dave. Interesting description of the week there... Gotta be careful
> about taxes :-). Don't talk about it cuz the forum has ears directly
> linked to the HMRC.
> Had a peek at that Pathos amp. Lovely looking! Hope you got a good
> score.
> Remember everyone: *less than 2 weeks before I shut down the survey*.
> Thanks again for all who have put in their results!

Hi Archimago!**

Having just this last Saturday got my elder #1 daughter successfully
married off to a very nice bloke (younger #2 got spliced to a very
different but equally nice chap in 2016). my diary is freed up (& the
emotional relief of no longer having primary responsibility for either
of my girls after only 30 years is enormous...  ;) ), so I shall make
every effort to finally participate!

Pathos Acoustics gear is very nice both aesthetically & aurally, but
it's definitely better value s/hand, lol! I've temporarily lost contact
with the INPOL-2 guy (although I'm sure that he will rematerialize
soon), but in the meantime I've bagged the Pathos Endorphin for a magic
£2700: it's just *-got-* to be the world's best looking CD player & is
alleged to sound as good as it looks. I already have one of their Digit
CD players & that isn't half bad...

Thanks for the warning, but my lawyer contacted HMRC & got an official
clearance from them (in writing) that they simply couldn't be bothered
to re-open my Mum's estate after all this time: they made £60,000
inheritance tax the 1st time because the stupid original lawyer wrote
the wrong will, so I think they reckon they've had their share!!

Take a butchers at the Endorphin on Google images - it looks like Scotty
has beamed it down from the USS Enterprise :rolleyes: .

Dave :cool:

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