ralphpnj wrote: 
> No worries since the cable will be run in a crawl space below the main
> floor of the house and not in the attic, aka loft space, above the main
> floor.
> And I stand by my assertion that a wired connection, aka Ethernet, beats
> a wireless connection, aka Wi-Fi, for any and all purposes, any day.

Hi Ralph!

Glad to hear that you won't need the cold showers! They used to make my
friend Mick, the plumber, *-really-* grumpy (& he could be a belligerent
sod at times too, lol) - it was best to keep out of his way for a day
after he'd been working in someone's attic ;) .

We're agreed that Ethernet is more robust than Wi-Fi, but if in a given
situation the Wi-Fi consistently delivers all the required 0's & 1's in
a sufficiently timely manner as it did in my former set-up for years, it
is not then inferior. And my significant other in those days had this
*-thing-* about cables...

All I'm saying is that Wi-Fi has its uses - like avoiding divorce
proceedings :rolleyes: .

Dave :cool:

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