Golden Earring wrote: 
> Hi Antoniop!
> I just thought it was helpful to set out the arguments on both sides.
> Some of my gear was new (or ex-demo, which amounts to the same thing
> really, such gear has usually had very little use & its provenance is
> known... ). This is usually either because I want something that hasn't
> been around long enough to be easily obtained s/hand or simply because
> it's so good that people don't want to sell it after they've bought it,
> lol. My B&W 805S speakers fell into that category. However I did
> approach a B&W dealer who I knew didn't have any in stock & negotiated a
> 15% discount on the basis that I would pay cash, he would order them in
> & I would collect the unopened boxes as soon as they arrived. As a
> consequence a pair sold on eBay a couple of weeks ago for a full 80% of
> the price I paid 8 years ago - & they were of a similar age to mine
> because only about 6 months after I bought mine B&W fitted the diamond
> tweeter used in their more expensive floor-standers, & curiously the
> list price went up from £1500 (pretty good value) to around £4000 (not
> so good, especially since the initial 805D's were not very good -
> they're on to the 805D S3 by now... ).
> My Mytek Brooklyn DAC (ex-demo, acquired fro dealer in Scotland via an
> actual eBay auction in which I was fortunate because the other 2 bidders
> dropped out way below the price which I would have paid) is a recent
> model with unique features - it incorporates a fully balanced Class A
> headphone amplifier delivering up to 6W/channel (which I have used 7 can
> confirm is good) & also an MC/MM analogue phono pre-amplifier (which I
> haven't tried yet, but which should enable me to resurrect the Linn
> LP12/Ittok/Koetsu Rosewood Signature set-up that has followed me around
> since the 1980's, lol... ), as well as a very flexible DAC itself which
> has a word clock out: this latter feature means that I can slave my
> Transporter to the Mytek's clock (this is done by changing settings in
> the Logitech Media Server software) & effectively eliminate the digital
> jitter that tends to arise when a 2-box configuration is used, whether
> it be a CD Transport/DAC combo or a Music Streamer/DAC combo. Exactly
> the same engineering considerations are at play in either case. I have
> posted extensively about this on other threads in this forum, but would
> be happy to provide the links to the discussion of the issue by Sean
> Adams himself & also to the technical engineering paper upon which he
> justified his position...
> But as regards new vs s/hand, it's entirely up to you which route you
> choose - it's your money, after all!
> Dave :cool:

Hi Dave,
I see that you're an expert regarding hifi and you're quite hard to
please, but what do you do about "gear fitting", I mean, I'm not an
expert myself but it seems to me that for example some speakers give a
better sound with some amplifiers than some others, regardless if the
amplifier is better or not, just because they fit better, or do you
think that the better gear together always give a better sound ?
Usually, I try to listen the new equipment I want to buy with the one
that I already have, or at least with equipments from the same brand, to
know what I'll have when back home. 
That's not possible when you buy second hand.
I hope you understand what I mean (my english is a bit weak).


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