
how about permissions for the root user in an aufs filesystem? Should they
not be the same like on a local filesystem or an NFS filesystem with
no_root_squash set? I am using aufs over NFS to get a writable NFSROOT
filesystem, and as root, I cannot create a file in a directory which is
not "officially" writable by root, for example in my /var/lib/nfs:

root@name:/var/lib/nfs# ls -al
total 4
drwxr-xr-x   2  systemd-network  nogroup   .....
drwxr-xr-x  31  root             root      .....
root@name:/var/lib/nfs# touch file
touch: cannot touch 'file': Operation not supported

This is a real problem for me, because it prevents some boot time services
from being started successfully.


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