My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power? – Dear PM's,

Please kindly look into which PM chose to abuse their power to suspend my account without any reason.

Please also kindly sanction such unacceptable behavior by said PM.

Thank you very much.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

while I'd very much prefer you concentrating on something more meaningful than hiding (because thanks to I do not know who we dont really delete anything), (almost all fixable) packages from a list, like fixing compilers, testing the recipes on exotic platforms and commenting on that tech upgrade which yesterday may have seemed you too far a shot but today should seem to you way more reasonable, nor I am the person who reported you nor the one who suspended your account still its clear you use a program to get your out of dates and i suppose not all maintainers like to literally chat with you through out-of-date notifs

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