
Please, watch your tone. This autoritative paragraph is not helpful and even sounds disrespectful coming from a non-staff person: You are not in a position to prefer anyone concentrating on anything when it comes the AUR (or any other part of the Arch project).

Going further on that, I'd like to remind **everyone** of the Arch Linux Code Of Conduct [1] and ask to drop those entitled and authoritative sentences/tones we've seen too much recently (specifically from non-staff people) such as "I'm *kindly* asking you to [...]" or "I'd prefer you to [...]", etc...

Please, keep in mind that we are a community, with all the respect it involves. We are all doing this by passion on our free time. Such "ordering" sentences have not their place in regular users' exchanges.

Coming back to this ML thread topic:
As said previously, please let the staff handle this situation and refrain from posting any more thoughts that would not help toward its resolution.

[1] https://terms.archlinux.org/docs/code-of-conduct/

Going further on that, I'd like to remind **everyone** of the Arch Linux Code Of Conduct [1] and ask to drop those entitled and authoritative sentences/tones we've seen too much recently (specifically from non-staff people) such as "I'm *kindly* asking you to [...]" or "I'd prefer you to [...]", etc...

It may not be referred to me but I'd like to underline I've taken the freedom of telling Marcell what I'd like him to do because I receive from him something like 10 mails per day through aur notifications, so I've talked to him like I would have done to a collegue, a co-worker, or a friend about what I think it's more urgent.

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