
i wanted to go for a national marketing budget, but no one in the exec had the 

clubs have insufficient funds individually. only as a collector can mass 
marketing be afforded

in time my view is the sport will change. electric self launchers and more 
ownership will be the norm. small clubs will die. big clubs will go commercial. 
it will take 15 years to migrate to a new model.

> On 30 Jan 2017, at 10:43 AM, Robert Izatt <> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Your problem here is “ownership”. The guys who are “spitting” at you believe 
> they “own” gliding and also their club.  I have had this discussion with 
> Mandy.
> Just a small part of the discussion. Cheers Rob Izatt
> Let’s look at it another way - Macdonalds is a business , “Gliding” is a 
> business and the GFA is the Master Franchisor. Macdonalds lays out a business 
> model, and has serious expectations of it’s franchisees. The GFA has 
> affiliates which do what they want. Macdonalds charges a franchise fee and 
> marketing fees and training fees and the franchisee sells hamburgers to pay 
> for this and when the store looks tired Macdonalds says to the franchisee pay 
> $400+k to do a re furbishment (new training aircraft). Macdonalds does all 
> the marketing for its franchisees and expects them to provide a service at a 
> standard they have specified. The franchisor is in control. The GFA isn’t so 
> it can’t expect clubs to do anything but fly within the rules. The GFA 
> struggles to enforce any other rules.
> Macdonalds has a product and maintains its core menu but is always looking 
> for ways to improve.
> The GFA is never going to adopt a full franchise model but there are ways to 
> reward clubs which adopt an "operational business model" set forward by the 
> GFA. Or better still go into competition with the clubs that survive on early 
> training and offer a quality service and institute an instructional fee 
> levied by the GFA for each instructional hour done to encourage clubs to 
> charge for instruction thereby forcing them to realise its value and the 
> contribution of members and understand customers need to be appreciated and 
> fostered once you get them in the door. 
> FYInterest. This is a third persons view of my discussions with Mandy
>>>> The point he (Rob/me) makes is that encouraging clubs to go on membership 
>>>> drives and trying to provide them with targets and skill sets to help them 
>>>> recruit membership I think misses the point.
>>>> First, 
>>>> Why would clubs want to do this ? 
>>>> Well obviously some need renewal and cash flow . 
>>>> And some for altruistic aims 
>>>> But I think most are busy with the day to day operations and keeping 
>>>> everything afloat especially as it's voluntary. And they mostly just like 
>>>> to go gliding 
>>>> So the GFA's voice encouraging them to recruit  is really a cheer squad on 
>>>> the side line . 
>>>> What is the motivation or incentive that the GFA provides ? 
>>>> The type of person who may want to fly has many options . Paragliding , 
>>>> ultralights , hang gliders , G A . To name a few. 
>>>> The person will look for convenience and outcome ie learn to fly . New 
>>>> experience etc . 
>>>> Can they find it in a club ?
>>>> Turn up all day and help and hope to get an instructional flight . 
>>>> So are clubs fit for purpose?
>>>> In the wider society pure Clubs as structures are now extinct where large 
>>>> capital sums are involved . 
>>>> Second, 
>>>> Structure follows strategy . 
>>>> Thus are the structures that gliding have suitable for the strategy that 
>>>> the GFA wants to pursue . 
>>>> Three, 
>>>> This comes to the point that Rob is making . 
>>>> Is Gliding competing for a narrow finite group of people who are attracted 
>>>> to the concept of flying and have the time and resources to achieve this 
>>>> aim?
>>>> Or is gliding telling all people "you have to try this" and "try it now" 
>>>> So how are we meeting their desire or creating the demand? How are clubs 
>>>> serving the demand?
>>>> MacDonald does this by creating the demand and stimulating the desire  and 
>>>> then by centrally coordinating an advertising campaign and supply of 
>>>> product . They require the outlets to provide a consistent service  with 
>>>> wonderful and friendly service through a contract or bargain and in return 
>>>> obtain income for outcome. 
>>>> Four 
>>>> Where does that leave gliding ?
>>>> I think to consider whether it's present structures are suitable for 
>>>> growing the sport . 
>>>> Come back to what I said early structure follows strategy . 
>>>> Decide on your strategy and build the structures to support it 
>>>> Five 
>>>> That's why Rob talks about what's the role of GFA in gliding . 
>>>> Maybe to be the central advertising body and recruitment amongst its 
>>>> statutory role?
>>>> The training body with professional trainers and a contract or agreement 
>>>> with recognised gliding bodies who can deliver the appropriate outcomes?
>>>> Relying on clubs as good as it sounds is handing the sport to the lowest 
>>>> common dominator , such as  a small club that is only interested in flying 
>>>> on a Saturday every now and then and not particularly interested in 
>>>> recruitment or motivated to attract and retain new members to the sport.  
>>>> Where to from here?
>>>> Well I have always followed the advice stop what you are doing as you 
>>>> could be making it worse . 
>>>> Then think through the issue 
>>>> That is consider the answers to the questions of 
>>>> Who 
>>>> When 
>>>> where 
>>>> Why 
>>>> How 
>>>> Etc 
>> On 30 Jan. 2017, at 5:59 am, Richard Frawley <> wrote:
>> i assume most people know that gliding requires a minimum membership size to 
>> keep the cost and freedoms we enjoy possible.
>> if you have not noticed we are actually under the minimum membership for 
>> sustainability.
>> This is a problem anyone who wants reasonable continuance needs to own and 
>> assist with.
>> The general lethargy towards this problem is significant. The GFA have very 
>> limited means due in the main to budget constraints to do much about this 
>> issue. John with just about no resource has been doing a great job as a 
>> volunteer. He is however frustrated by the above lethargy after 3 years in 
>> the role.
>> So, what have YOU done to assist glidings future in the last 6 months???
>>> On 29 Jan 2017, at 11:24 PM, Ulrich Stauss <> wrote:
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