the need to use or employ professionals is beyond question. the first question however is what is/would the budget for such a project be - both for designing a campaign and implementation - then you have a framework for the design and also feedback on results.
for what is a limited market no advertising budget however large may be cost effective in our case.
i believe the answer lies in what mike borgelt mentioned.
at boonah we have enough people coming and trying gliding.
the problem has been keeping them interested and giving them value for money. the  k-13 as our pride of the fleet was not helpful.
the retention rate and interest grew dramatically with the purchase of the k-21. we have now ordered a new (not second hand) single seater. the club rooms have been renovated with more to follow and we have good facilities at both ends of the strip. membership has grown 30% in 18 months. we have just made all wives/children club members as one "family membership" and all glider hire for juniors 50% off.
the best advertising we have had has been done for a couple of give-away flights and we are most appreciative to those media outlets who have supported us. perhaps it would be possible for the gfa development officer to take this approach as media outlets are often looking for "copy" and we offer spectacular footage and excitement.
i suppose my whole point is, clubs or any activity are/is only as vibrant as the people who drive the activity and some clubs will be advantaged or disadvantaged by circumstances including geographical location.
paid advertising we have done rarely gives a profitable return (the adelaide uni scenario is dead set scary!!)
word of mouth and membership activity win hands down anyday.
--------- Original Message --------
From: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Marketing Committee
Date: 31/07/04 13:18

The direction of this project is of some concern; it suggests that we've learnt little from previous adventures in this area.

GFA Executive and Council has been down this road before in the past.  I know - I was there.   The one thing I recall from previous promotional ventures was that  gliding people, even dedicated gliding people are not very good at it, especially in the selection and development of promotional material - movies, videos, brochures and the like.   Most of us who were still around at that time will remember the saga of the "two brochures".

We approach the challenge from our background and experience, not understanding that the people we are trying to reach usually see "gliding" in a totally different perspective.    Quite a few people in this list have already come in enthusiastically with what we think would be "good stuff".   While it is - for us - it probably won't succeed in making the sport sufficiently attractive to the outsider to want to have a flight with the view of "taking it up".  

This exercise needs to be undertaken by a professional public relations outfit, and we have to be prepared to sit on our hands and believe and implement what they come up with.   We also have to be prepared to pay what they ask and it ain't cheap.   These are two reasons why we will almost certainly not go down that road.   Thus history will be repeated.

I wish the GFA committee well.  However, unless they draw on significant expertise in the advertising and promotional game from within their own ranks, or are prepared to seek same from elsewhere if they are short in that area, I have to be just a little bit sceptical of any spectacular or even significant results.

Whatever they decide to do, it won't be easy.  We all know that gliding is a fantastic sport.  However the huge majority of the general population will never be convinced.   

Sorry to be so gloomy, but that's how it is.


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