At 12:49 PM 22/01/2007, you wrote:
Hi Mike et al,

The MOSP 3, Section 6.3 states:

I thought we were talking about WHY this became a requirement without any public discussion of the need for it or the possible repercussions on various gliding operations and people's liability.

I've operated gliders out of trailers for 30 + years and it simply wouldn't occur to me to expect someone else to inspect and sign for my own glider that I was going to fly that day as that person gets no benefit from it, only risk. I sure as hell wouldn't inspect or sign that someone else's glider was connected properly after they had rigged it.

Yes, there have been a few accidents. Two were because of incorrect reassembly of controls after annual maintenance. In the first of these the problem got through about 3 inspections and even several annual inspectors looking at the wreckage before the problem was found and the second was just about the same 10+ years later as far as I know(the infamous Glasflugel aileron drive problem - Murphy's Law at work). I even prevented one in New Zealand after watching a Libelle do two mild ground loops in front of me while waiting to takeoff in a PW5. That one got through 3 inspections - the annual, the DI after rigging and the cockpit controls operating full, free and IN THE CORRECT SENSE. One other I know of was a failure to connect or properly connect an Otellier on an elevator control. In that case the person killed was the one who did the inspection and fortunately no other poor bastard was in the gun for it.

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