From: "Ian McPhee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think it is probably time to reconsider the use of unleaded with ethanol in motorgliders with glass tanks. I do know John Viney and Chris Kiehn (RAAus) went to an industry day and both of them came away thinking Avgas for aviation and unleaded for cars. I notice Shell optimax 98 fuel is gone and I believe the replacement has at least 5% ethanol but do a shake test with 1cm of water in a sample of fuel. I gather the guys at the refinery when the 98 car fuel is low on octane rating they bubble butane(?) gas thriugh the fuel to up the octane rating but when that fuel goes up the hill to Armidale NSW (3500ft asl) it is already below on octane rating as the gasses go out of solution.

I think your subject title may miss the point, Ian. The problem is more likely to be with the resin than the glass. It's not clear, but it appears that your reference is testing tanks made from polyester resin. I would think that most MG tanks are made from epoxy which I think will be less subject to attack by ethanol. Does anybody know the facts?

Are their any experts out there on fuels?

Yes.  But I'm not one of them.    :)

Graeme Cant

Ian McPhee (skype   macca304)
Box 657
Byron Bay  NSW  2481  Australia
Tel +61(0)2 66847642 mob +61(0)428847642

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