Negative on the lantern - was made an optional extra couple of years ago
due to declining sales, but pressure was brought to bear by the Workplace,
Healt h and safety people and it had to be withdrawn..too much pollution
apparently, and you could do yourself a nasty injury if you bumped
it..apparently. And only certified Carpets are now airworthy, since that
carpet restructure a couple of years did hear about that didn't
you? Some colours are not allowed as the UV degrades the
carpet...apparently..and in terms of visibility, some are better than 
others.  Anyway, get onto CASA if you need a clarification.


> I didn't see "flying carpet" on the CASA list of aircraft not requiring a
> manual.
>   Storing a manual and DI book on a flying carpet may be difficult.
> Perhaps they can be kept under the magic lantern, if a flying carpet
> still comes equipped with one.
> Jim
>>If only we had such an accommodating authority that this was possible -
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