hang gliding community appear to have emphasised
Air  Man  Ship

On Mon, 9 Jun 2008 16:46:21 +0800, Texler, Michael wrote:
>Pilots should be using an approach similar to "IM SAFE" and "PAVE"
>I - Illness, are you crook?
>M - Medication, will medication you take make you unfit to fly?
>S - Stress, any recent stressful events?
>A - Alcohol, "He who hooteth at night with owls will not soar with
>eagles the next day"
>F - Fatigue, did you have a good night's rest?
>E - Emotion and eating. Are you angry, depressed or anxious. Have
>you had enough to eat?
>See: http://www.pplmania.com/articles/imsafe_explanation.htm
>or PAVE
>P-Pilot (Are you fit to fly?)
>A-Aircraft (Is you aircraft fit to fly?)
>V-EnVironment (Are the conditions appropriate for your flight?)
>E-External pressures ("Get there-itis" or "Need to fly-itis").

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