On 31 March 2011 00:28,  <gstev...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> emergency, the evacuation time would be MUCH less. Does anybody have any
> facts - perhaps derived from real tests as opposed to computer simulations
> - as to what this time might be for a full passenger compliment on this
> aircraft type?

Well, there is always the official A380 full evacuation test:


> that, in the event, he could have braked the aircraft to a full stop a
> little short of the runway end, but he could see the fire tenders ahead, and
> this was where he was going.

> Captain was the (huge?), risk of setting on fire the tires on the wheels
> that had lost their ABS function, during the landing process.

Sounds like a wise move - if you apply 'emergency' braking power then
the brakes do catch fire. I can't say that I've heard of anybody
worrying about 'setting fire' to the tires before, but I have heard
about tire blow outs when braking in an emergency situation. Here is
the A380 overweight brake test:



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