Basically agree with Stuart but suggestion would be

1  The 3 day membership be reintroduced BUT be for under 25 years old (we
record their day of birth) and be $10 (why should AAFC only get
a concessional rate from GFA and not Scouts or other young people)
2  The present 9day and one month GFA be joined together and restrictions on
flights/solo be removed - not certain on fee but $30 to $35
3  The present 3 month continue as is.BUT include one off posting of say 1
or 2 old Magazines and with brief letter or email invite them to rejoin GFA
for the full 12 months or better still UPGRADE your present 3mths to
12months for just $160 say - one off special deal and people like a good
deal.  The 3 month fee could be $5 more for postage of magazine.

Just a thought  Does anybody know what special rate AAFC get from GFA for
AEFs - I have asked the office but just get told they have a special

Ian McPhee

On 8 September 2011 07:19, Stuart & Kerri FERGUSON <>wrote:

> Gary,****
>           The $30.00 fee represents a massive 50% increase! ****
> ** **
> Most clubs will just add it to the price of the AEI, for Aero-tow clubs
> this represents about 5%,****
> but I feel for the winch launch clubs, this fee makes up a large piece of
> the pricing pie. It also puts ****
> clubs that hold an AOC in an interesting position, they finish up with two
> products, one is the Joy Flight****
> and the other an AEI and the only cost structure difference is a fee
> applied by the GFA; in our case we ****
> cover the CASA fee to maintain the AOC for less per flight than GFA require
> for an AEI flight; we hold an AOC****
> so we can openly market Joy Flights, we have several members who are or
> have been employed by CASA and****
> we do not want them to be compromised.****
> ** **
> My experience is that most AEI/Joy Flights are members of the public who
> want to try gliding as part of the “Bucket List”****
> Some have said so in so many words. Only a minority of AEIs are genuine
> potential members. If the fee must be $30.00****
> what can package into it to give bang for the buck.****
> ** **
> I propose the $30 buys a 60 Day temporary GFA membership (no magazine) with
> no limits on the number of hours of flights taken. ****
> Only a minority of AEIs will take advantage of this so the financial
> outcomes change very little, and  for the few who do go on the ****
> become members this can only be good for the club, and the sport, and when
> they are finally hooked discount and backdate their ****
> GFA member to the date the temporary membership was taken out.       ****
> ** **
> I would also propose we have a Junior Temporary membership to facilitate
> Cadet, school and other youth group activities, this is a long****
> Term investment in the future; how many of our members have returned in
> later life because they have memories of a flight they took****
> In their youth.   ****
> ** **
> Gary can you take this proposal to the GFA AGM on my behalf? ****
> ** **
> Regards****
> ** **
> Stuart****
> ** **
>           ****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Thursday, 8 September 2011 2:31 AM
> *To:* Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
> *Subject:* Re: [Aus-soaring] AEF fee****
> ** **
> Cath,****
> Remember, that as things stand, this $30 fee gives the lucky AEF person 3
> days membership of the GFA. ****
>  ****
> I therefore suggest to you that it is a measure of YOUR club's nous, as to
> how you market this. *Hint* - the more you winch launches you give,
> the cheaper (on average), each individual flight becomes. You mention 2-3
> flights. With better planning and application I am sure this number could be
> substantially increased, especially over the 2 days of a weekend. For
> example when there is no lift, the AEF person does 6 winch launches @ $6 per
> launch plus glider hire at 50 cents per minute with each flight lasting 5
> minutes, my maths says that costs total $81, which means you can also add at
> least $20 - $30 for your trouble! Grand total $111. Not a big deal.  {You
> might almost have an adept person solo after this many flights! Ha ha.}***
> *
>  ****
>  If there is lift around then there is no reason why the winch launch
> should not give an equivalent flight time to an aerotow launch. However I
> suggest that the club may have to be a bit selective in just which pilot is
> selected as PIC to do any particular flight, depending on conditions - like
> I say; use a bit of nous!****
>  ****
> If this is all too hard, then you could of course stop your whingeing, and
> not offer AEF's. You will be well aware that statistics show that
> AEF's serve little purpose in attracting new members to a club.****
>  ****
> However see my earlier post this evening, as to the real solution. With
> adequate Federal funding to the GFA, the would be no requirement to
> charge more than an acorn fee (say 5 cents) to your AEF person to join them
> up with the GFA (This requirement for joining GFA is based on legal advice -
> but to my knowledge has never been tested in court, so make of that what you
> will).****
>  ****
> I suggest that you carefully read my earlier post, and think very carefully
> about the many implications of  my suggestions - and then do what you can to
> bring about some positive change.****
>  ****
> Gary****
> ----- Original Message ----- ****
> *From:* Catherine Conway <> ****
> *To:* AUS Soaring <> ****
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 08, 2011 12:47 AM****
> *Subject:* Re: [Aus-soaring] our magazine****
> ** **
> I'm really disappointed with the $30 fee.  Might be great for Aerotow clubs
> charging AEFs off the street at $150-$200 a flight.    For a club that
> charges $6 launch and can do 5 min circuits if there is no lift and an AEF
> visitor generally only manages 2-3 flights.  This means they pay more to GFA
> than we make for the flight!  We try to convert ours to members so they are
> not expensive flights. ****
> ** **
> I know the AAFC are also very upset with the rise (they are affected too).
>  Especially because they have other insurance cover.  So what does this AEF
> fee actually give them?   I believe Scouts are not happy either.****
> ** **
> What can we do? Must be some way to get the message across.****
> ** **
> (Go the Kooka's JR - mines been flying lots of kids - including passenger
> rated kids flying their friends.  they don't seem to mind that its not new.
>  They still teach spins pretty well).****
> ** **
> -Cath****
>  ****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> On 07/09/2011, at 9:13 PM, Grant Davies wrote:****
> ****
> Agree the now $30 AEF fee is ridiculous. I have only been flying 4 years
> and when I started students were $5.****
> Is there any explanation for this massive rise?****
> Or is it our GFA looking after our GFA, not the members and clubs?****
> ** **
> ** **
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