At 06:57 PM 16/03/2013, you wrote:

On 15/03/2013, at 5:12 PM, Adam Woolley wrote:
Have you got any rough 'rules of thumb' that you use in order to decide if the short term deviation is worth it or not?

Better air within 30 degrees either side of track is worth deviating for.

It is more complicated than that. Keep in mind the extra distance you would fly to get to the next turnpoint. if you end up abeam the turnpoint by flying a track 30 off the direct one you will fly 50% further

Also plot the achieved cross country speed vs the average climb rate. It is not a linear function. It may be worth greater deviations from track on weak thermal days than strong ones.

You can get these numbers (and a lot of other interesting information) using a ruler, from the polar plotted on a piece of graph paper and a few simple geometric constructions. Your highly trained and experienced GFA instructor should have explained this to you before you try to go cross country.
(Pig squadron on the grid, ready for first launch).

Yes, staying out of sink is very important. Most of us do it poorly. It is extremely important when trying to center weak and broken thermals which is why I like a vario with a sink sound as it provides full information on the bad air as well as the good air while doing this.

Byars and Holbrook said this in their book "Soaring cross country " 40 years ago - "never fly through the same bad air twice".


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