I read a couple of post here and there about Axapta being slower on SQL 
Server 2005 then 2000.  I thought that people that have problem post 
messages and those who don't stays quiet.  That's why I was only seeing 
post about SQL 2005 being slower.  But then I stubble on a post on MBS 
46508a35c759&dglist=&ptlist=&exp=&sloc=en-us).  And the quote is :
"First of all Ax database runing on same hardware with SQL2005 is ~20% 
slower than SQL200 database (tested)."

I can't find something clearer that this.  So, does my friends of the 
Axapta Knowledge Village acknowledge this statement?

I'm gonna test this in our dev environment and if it turns out true, 
then it's gonna be the end of our SQL Server 2005 migration I guess.  
Btw, we are staying at Ax3.0 SP3 even if we migrate to SQL 2005.

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