Dear All

I am facing problem in following area :

The client has multiple warehouse across among which there are 3 main
warehouse.These warehouses refill the other warehouses through transfer
All the warehouse maintains individual item sales forecast on a monthly

The monthly purchase planning is done using the following formula

Order to be placed for Current Month= Opening stock for the month
+Expected receipt of this month and following two month in the warehouse
– Foretasted Sales of this month and following two month.

I am trying to generate a planned purchase order for a specific item on
a particular site and warehouse on certain given parameter as below.

I have set up Coverage group (which is attached to the item) with the
following parameter:-

Coverage code= "Requirement"
Coverage Time Fence and Period =90 Days
Forecast Plan Time Fence = 90 Days
Future and Action Time Fence =90 Days
Negetive and Positive Days =0 Days

In the individual item coverage apart from all the above parameter the
min and max level given as 0 and the Purchase Lead time is 60 Days for
the main warehouse and the transfer lead time is 15 days for the child
On the basis of the above parameter when I am running the master
schedule and forecast schedule the system is generating requirement on
the above parameter which is proper.

But how can I create a planned purchase order on the basis of the
formula given above.

For a particular item in a site and warehouse

Opening Stock=1000
Expected receipt for a month in which the plan is running and following
2 month =500
Foretasted Sales for a month in which the plan is running and following
two month=2000

Planned order to be created for Current Month= (1000+500)- 2000= 500

Please suggest me how to do it.


Subhajit Ghosh

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