I meant by following scenario in Purchase order, If i create a PO for 100 and 
allow the overdelivery of 10% the i can receive 110 while doing packing slip, 
similarly can we start production for 100 and Report As Fisnish 110?? I know 
the on order quantity is 100 in this case but there is method in ProdTable for 
Overdelivery which i think should allow more quantity while Report As Finish. 
Please let me konw any setup is missing in inventory parameters

--- On Sat, 23/1/10, rayd <shil....@gmail.com> wrote:

From: rayd <shil....@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Report as Finished for more quantity
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, 23 January, 2010, 10:43 PM


this is an standard error which comes when try to post something for which an 
order never existed, for example - there is no purchase order but u are trying 
to receive, or for that matter, there is no sales order but u are trying to 
ship.... :)
i guess it is more of an investigation of the problem rather than 
customization, because there is something missing in the transaction. I may 
help you with this if you could attach screen shots of steps u are performing 
capturing the on-hand and transaction screens in it.

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Tushar Joshi <tushar_s_joshi@ yahoo.co. in> 


I have tried with Accept error option but still not accepting more quantity. 
Can we customize this acceptance of more qty by using the overdelivery concept 
of purchase orders?

--- On Mon, 18/1/10, rayd <shil....@gmail. com> wrote:

From: rayd <shil....@gmail. com>
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Report as Finished for more quantity
To: Axapta-Knowledge- vill...@yahoogro ups.com
Date: Monday, 18 January, 2010, 11:20 PM 


Hi Tushar
have u tried using 'accept error' check box, because originally ur production 
order started with 100, so ur ordered status was 100 initially but since u are 
attempting to post production for 102, system is not considering order status 
as 'ordered' for '2' quantity (which was originally not ordered). Accept error 
check box is given for tackling reporting as finished in such situations.


On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Tushar Joshi <tushar_s_joshi@ yahoo.co. in> 


Dear All,
I have a following scenario in a process industry
Item A has production order for 100 Qty
Production order started for 100
Picking list posted for 100
Route card posted for 100
But while doing Report as finished I actually observed that I have produced 102 
qty, and want to update the stock for the same quantity
While doing so when i update the Report as finish journal for 102 quantity AX 
gives error as "Cannot receive quantity 102 because inventory transactions with 
status Ordered, Arrived or Registered are insufficient."
Can anyone suggest how to handle such scenario?

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