
By default clients use the 9090 port for the end point reference but
Apache runs on 80. There are two solutions.
1. Changing Apache to run on 9090
2. When running tests give the proper address(with 80 port) as a
command line argument.
for example for echo client
echo.exe http://localhost:80/axis2/services/echo


On 4/26/07, Jim Seipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It looks like the Apache server is seeing the services that are supplied by

But I cannot seem to get the client to successfully run any of the test

I am trying echo.exe and math.exe

They work with the axis2_http_Server.exe

Also from the client I can web browse the server and see the deploy
information for the services.

Any ideas?

Is there any tests I can run or data I can send you?



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