

> Hi Bill, Kasun and others,
>     Thank you all for taking time to explain this problem in detail.
> Looking at the ADB use case that Bill has portrayed, I am sure other
> users too would be interested in such a case where they can 'get' form
> one ADB type and 'set' on another ADB type.
>     Lets create a branch for this and try to solve the problem. Bill,
> have you already done some work with respect to ref-count? If so we can
> start form that.
>     I can think of the following cases that we can try to fix/implement:
>     1. Implement the ref-cout shallow copy mechanism proposed by Bill
>     2. Try and implement a deep copy version of detach (so that we can
> detach and attach)
>     3. Implement a serailize/deserialize based deep copy
> I can look into 2 and 3.
> Thanks,
> Samisa...
>> Samisa, I can't speak directly to Kasun's use case, but I can describe
>> what prompted me to need a tree copy and/or clone method.  The generated
>> adb stubs return an object of wsdl type any to the app as a node tree,
>> detached from the response message.  They also accept an object of wsdl
>> type any as a node tree, to be attached to the request message.  In each
>> case, the interface has ownership of the object, and frees the object
>> when the interface object is freed.  So the get accessor method to the
>> object returns a pointer to the object tree but does not transfer
>> ownership.  The set accessor method accepts a pointer to the object tree
>> and takes ownership of it.
>> You are correct that cloning alone would be used in a routing app.  But
>> imagine that the app receives an object from the service, modifies it,
>> and sends the app back to the service.  To be able to free the response
>> interface object after processing the response, the app needs the
>> ability to copy or clone the object to be able to late use it.  After
>> modifying the object, the app would then pass the object back to the
>> service in a later request.  If the app needs the ability to pass the
>> object to the service while retaining a copy of it for later processing,
>> it needs a copy or clone operation again as the service will discard the
>> version that was sent when the request interface object was freed.  With
>> a copy or a clone one can achieve the same result in different ways; a
>> copy that allows one to configure what is copied lets the code add what
>> it needs to a reduced tree, whereas a clone allows one to later remove
>> or modify what is unneeded from the cloned tree.
>> Were the generated adb interface different, the requirement for a copy
>> would be reduced.  Say the adb interface provided an accessor method,
>> get, that transferred ownership of the tree to the client app, and that
>> the set method accepted a pointer to the object to be passed without
>> freeing the tree when the request interface object was freed.  Then
>> these copies would be eliminated, but the free of the tree after sending
>> a request would now be the responsibility of the client app.  One would
>> need a copy method only if the original object was a template for
>> generating multiple objects.
>> This may be very application specific, and I don't know how general the
>> need is.  I do know that I encountered it, and it sounds like Kasun has
>> a very similar requirement.  When I encountered it and found no suitable
>> method present, I wrote one that met my needs.  But this requirement may
>> be common enough to warrant inclusion.
>> I'm pretty sure you are correct, there is little need for this inside
>> the SOAP engine.  The need is driven more by the interface to axiom, at
>> least with the adb classes.  Kasun's issue with detach losing namespace
>> references and the tree becoming invalid arises, of course, in the
>> context of the adb classes detaching the object from the SOAP response
>> message, and so can arise for anyone using the service/client interface
>> even without the adb classes.
>> Whether addressing this involves a significant architecture change
>> depends on the implementation.  One can implement a copy method with
>> options for what is copied using the current interfaces, it just
>> requires a bit of research into the intricacies of axiom_node and its
>> friends.  A clone by way of serializing and deserializing the structure
>> I think uses builder interfaces that are not public and would need to be
>> included, but does not involve an architecture change.  Certainly a
>> copy-on-write clone algorithm does involve some pervasive changes, but
>> such an algorithm has other problems as well, already discussed.
>> Bill
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Samisa Abeysinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 10:33 PM
>> To: Apache AXIS C Developers List
>> Subject: Re: Issue in using 'detach' for cloning
>> Kasun Indrasiri wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I think, through out this thread there are various possible
>>> implementations were discussed with their pros and cons. I agreed with
>>> Senaka that the clone method should not be the 'best' or 'fast' one.
>>> And also Bill's ref count based implementation would suit where we may
>>> have to explicitly worry about the performance (and lazy coping also
>>> got its own pros and cons.)
>>> So, as Bill suggested earlier we can have several clone methods where
>>> user can select the method according to his preference. We can
>>> basically have one method for Shallow copy with ref counts and another
>>> with the normal serialize/desterilize approach. (and the lazy coping
>>> approach is also possible). Anyway it's a good move to implement these
>>> stuff with out affecting the existing axiom.
>> IMHO, cloning is not a use case that we really need for a SOAP engine.
>> If you are trying to use the same XML over and over again, passing it
>> here and there, without modification, you are really routing stuff and
>> not doing that many business logic processing.
>> I am still trying to figure out why would one want to detach and attach
>> a node in a module or a service. If the use case is less than 10%, I do
>> not think it is a good idea to major changes to the current AXIOM
>> implementation that works.
>> Samisa...
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