How about X.YY.ZZZZ? where "X" means any thing that starts with "X",
"X.YY" means anything that starts with "X.YY" and if they want it
super specific, they specify all digits. Also if nothing is specified
then we sort the mar's numerically and pick the latest.


On 12/30/05, Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all;
> I am going to implement module version supporting in Axis2 , meaning that
> will allow to have different version of same module to be in the modules
> directory and engage different versions to different services (or
> operations). As an example there can be two addressing module in the modules
> directory and one can engage one version to one service and another version
> to some other service.
> There are some factors to clarify
> 1.The module version number is compulsory (module mar file should contain
> its version number in its file name)and it will look like follows
> xyz-00.0000.mar , is that OK?
> 2.There should be a way to tell default version of the module if there are
> multiple module versions in same module , else default one will be the
> latest one.
> 3.It should be able to engage a module by giving both name and its version
> Since this is a new idea I like to know ur comments abut this , specially
> version format.
> Thanks,
>  Deepal
> ................................................................
> ~Future is Open~

Davanum Srinivas :

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