Hi Amila,

1. From what I read I thought one of the issues (and an issue that I 
raised) was the large number of Axis2 jars. I understood from the 
conversation that's been taking place that the function in the many Axis 
jars would be rolled up into 3 (or 5) jars, not 3 zip (or tar, etc.) 
distros containing many jar files.

2. There are two Woden implementations: DOM based and OM (Axiom) based. 
Previously these two distributions were packed together in one jar but 
they've recently been separated to reduce the number of dependencies when 
using one or the other. (Adopters will likely want to use either DOM or 
OM.) The DOM jar is required if you're using the Woden DOM implementation. 
Likewise, the OM jar is required when using the Axiom based 
implementation. I should have been clearer in my question, does Axis2 use 
the Woden Axiom based implementation or the Woden DOM based 



"Amila Suriarachchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/01/2007 02:14 AM
Please respond to


Re: [Axis2] Axis2 Release Restructuring

On 11/1/07, Lawrence Mandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Amila,

Thanks for summarizing the conversation. I take it your summary is for the
Axis2 server bundle that's been discussed. Two issues:

1. Will the 5 Axis2 jars be rolled up into a single Axis2-server jar as 
has been requested and discussed?

No. we are not going to shift as five modules.
It going to be only three.
1. minimal distribution
2. full distribution
3. tools distribution

the difference between minimal and full is that minimal distribution 
contains jars required 
for only basic set of use cases(as I have given earlier). It has both 
client and server jars.

2. You listed
Woden has an Axiom based implementation that I thought was contributed to
support Axis2. 
So is this an optional jar? 

Is the Axiom implementation not in use in Axis2?

Axis2 uses the axiom. What I asked is, whether it is necessary to shif 
doom implementation as well. 




"Amila Suriarachchi" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/01/2007 12:16 AM
Please respond to


Re: [Axis2] Axis2 Release Restructuring

So shall we first conclue what should be included into the minimal

I would like to discribe the minimal distribution as follows, 
It inclues the minimal set of jars which some one needs to creates a
using either
1. Contract first approach
         here we going to provide only the default data binding support
2. Code first approach 
         POJO support

and access them using the generated stub or
RPCService client. Here he can use addressing since it is a basic we
service spec and only with http transport.

So the minimal distribution contains the following features 
1. Codegen support with adb
2. POJO support
3. MTOM (when we includes the axiom and axis2 kernal anyway we get this)
4. Addressing
5. Samples ( only for above features)

is this enogh or is there any thing to add or remove? 

As I guess here are the jars we need for that,

Axis2 jars
1. axis2-adb-codegen-SNAPSHOT.jar
2. axis2-adb-SNAPSHOT.jar
3. axis2-codegen-SNAPSHOT.jar
4. axis2-java2wsdl-SNAPSHOT.jar
5. axis2-kernel-SNAPSHOT.jar 

ws  jars
1. axiom-api-20071017.164440-781.jar
2. axiom-impl-20071017.164440-780.jar (
(do we need axiom-dom-20071017.164440-780.jar?)
3. neethi-20071017.164823-761.jar
4. woden-api-1.0-incubating-20071018.161106-2.jar 
5. woden-impl-dom-1.0-incubating-20071018.161106-2.jar
6. wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar
7. XmlSchema-SNAPSHOT.jar

other jars
1. activation-1.1.jar
2. annogen-0.1.0.jar
3. backport-util-concurrent-2.2.jar
4. commons-codec-1.3.jar
5. commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar
6. commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
7. commons-io-1.2.jar
8. commons-logging-1.1.jar
9. geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec-1.1.jar
10. geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec- 1.0.jar
11. httpcore-4.0-alpha5.jar
12. httpcore-nio-4.0-alpha5.jar
13. httpcore-niossl-4.0-alpha5.jar
14. jalopy-1.5rc3.jar
15. jaxen-1.1.1.jar
16. jettison-1.0-RC1.jar
17. log4j-1.2.14.jar
18. stax-api-1.0.1.jar 
19. wstx-asl-3.2.1.jar
20. xalan-2.7.0.jar
21. xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar
22. xml-apis-1.3.03.jar

Are there any thing to add or remove?
Here any way 34 jars are there. and we have left 24 jars.


On 10/30/07, Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Amila Suriarachchi wrote:

> I have misunderstood the thing.
> you mean
> 1. minimal distribution with
>        server,client and kernal
> 2. full distribution with
>        minmal + optional
> 3. Tools distribution with 
>        tools

Exactly yes. I am not sure whether we need to expand full distro also in
to two. Are we releasing all the modules with our current standard distro.

> what I want to say is that we need a proper boundry definition about 
> what should goes to minimal distribution.
> with some logical reasoning. Otherwise we have to discuss this again
> when implementing.

Agreed. That is why I made this a proposal rather than a vote :). We 
discussed this packaging issues couple of times and changed packaging
couple of time. When Axis2 evolves and we get more insight in to user
experience, we might want to change ourselves to cater for this
requirements. I myself found it bit difficult/confused to use Axis2 once 
as a user. That is why I am proposing sth like this.

Yes, let's discuss about this. And we might also want to revise this
once the next release manager (Amila will it be you ;) ) try to
implement this packaging proposal. 

So are we agreed to this three level distro?

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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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Amila Suriarachchi, 
WSO2 Inc. 

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