
Why do you think Synapse went TLP?


On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Ajith Ranabahu
> Hi,
> See my comments inline.
> On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Amila Suriarachchi
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hi,
>> By going through all these discussions what I can think of is that going for
>> TLP neither make it better nor worse.
>>> Ok why do you want to move Axiom out from Axis2 , because it has a big
>>> advantage when it is there in WS than in Axis2.
>> yes. The advantage here is that they have separate svn and they can have
>> independent releases. Axis2 can depends on particular Axiom Version while
>> people developing Axiom. or Rampart/Sandesha can use a pirticular
>> Axis2 version (if need) and can have independent releases.
>> So in this scene WS project has broken things into separate manageable
>> components with the time. Of course this has happened generally with the
>> time and may happen in future as well.
>> What is the big management advantage we get moving them to TLPs?
> Clarification here. There is not going to be or
> Only Axis2 is going to move to a TLP and directly
> related sub projects will be under that as subprojects.
>> I agree that there are a lot of jiras and incomplete web sits. The reason
>> for this is lack of time committees getting to work on these project due to
>> various personal reasons. So I think this is a different issue which can not
>> be addressed by going for TLP.
>> For an example both Ajith and Chinthaka were very active committers in this
>> project. But now they only participate in discussions. Can we expect any
>> change after going TLP? Lets say Deepal going to fix 50 issues after going
>> TLP, why he can not do it now? (Here I have nothing make personal I try to
>> explain what I want to say)
> True - As I have mentioned numerous times earlier there is not going
> to be any magic that solves
> our problems when Axis2 is moved to TLP. Instead we get a focused
> commiterbase and a PMC. When we attract
> committers we get to them to a more focused project. There is not
> going to be anything new happening
> with the current committers. instead we spare the confusion to all the 
> newbies.
>>> >
>>> > Anyway, why I don't agree is I don't see a problem with the current
>>> > way. Even if there is a problem, I still don't see how things will be
>>> > better if we go to multiple TLPs.
>>> My concern is , Axis2 does not get what it is supposed to get.  It is
>>> just stay inside something called WS. While some other Web service
>>> project acting as TLP.
>> Well, are you saying that being a TLP a prestigious status? Of course this
>> is a personal thing and I am not thinking like that. If so that is a
>> different concern.
> There is a sense of independence and an expanded state of visibility
> in being a TLP. Why do you
> think the new projects graduating from incubator want to go TLP
> directly rather than hanging around as
> subprojects  of an umbrella ? why is it that we see most of the
> donated projects (say hadoop and lucene from Yahoo or
> xmlbeans from BEA) becoming TLP's rather than settling down as
> subprojects ? IMHO the expanded visibility
> gives better opportunities to market themselves and also help them
> increase their focused commiterbase.
>> thanks,
>> Amila.
> --
> Ajith Ranabahu
> Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its
> creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain
> too little falls into lazy habits of thinking - Albert Einstein
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